BHBIA BOBI award winner: best use of innovation

When Dragons’ Den and Market Research Collide

By Ben Lorkin, Senior Research Director at Day One Strategy

At Day One, our mission is to bring together technology and human intelligence to deliver deeper, actionable insights that help our clients make better decisions. And so, we are delighted to have won this year’s BHBIA’s Best of British Intelligence (BOBI) award for Best Use of Innovation.

Our award-winning innovation addresses a significant industry challenge: encouraging enrolment (and maintaining engagement) in patient support programs (PSPs). It is an industry wide problem as despite the pharmaceutical industry investing millions in developing PSPs, it is estimated that only 3% of patients utilise these programs, resulting in suboptimal patient outcomes.

Our client faced this very issue. With an extensive PSP developed, and to ensure as many patients as possible could benefit, they needed to understand how to encourage enrolment

But given the context, we knew a traditional method of asking customers what would encourage enrolment would fall short and as evidenced by the low participation rates. And that is because, people often do not know what motivates them. What they think they want is not what they need. What people say, think and do can be very different things.

To tackle this challenge, we needed to do something different. So we organised a Dragons’ Den session, inviting experts from diverse fields: behavioural science, digital and communications strategy, and PSP design and implementation.

Briefed on the challenge, our Dragon’s presented their cases as to why enrolment fails before working together to develop innovative solutions. Several high-potential ideas emerged which were then further tested and refined with a range of different customer types.

With the behavioural challenge firmly in mind, findings were analysed using the EAST (easy, attractive, social and timely) model with tactical feedback provided on how to encourage enrolment. We advised on what to say and how to say it. Who should say it and when it should be said.

As a result of our research, the client gained a new understanding of the benefits of PSPs and how to align them with the behavioural drivers and motivations of their customers. This led to a reshaping of strategy and communications framing.

Learnings allowed course corrections to be implemented where incorrect assumptions had been made and helped to shape what PSP best practice should look like. But most importantly, learnings will help encourage enrolment and provide patients with the support they need to achieve better outcomes and live better lives.

To find out more about our innovative approaches and how we can help you make better decisions please do get in touch at: or follow-us @DayOneStrategy

Ben Lorkin




Abigail Stuart